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Thank You !!

Thank you to everyone for my birthday donations which Harriet has used to buy food supplies for Kumi Hospital inpatients and attendants.

I shall continue with my fund raising as the need is so great now that food prices are high and it is difficult to buy from the market during lock down. Being an old leprosy centre, the hospital is situated about 10 km from Kumi Town along a murram road with no public means of transport except by motorbike. The lock down states that no motorcycles may take more than one driver so no passengers are allowed. I have included a photo of Wilson when we first met him and another when he left the hospital. Harriet wrote: "The patients were very grateful 🙏 for the food. Even attendents thought they were to receive to. I bought 2 bags of posho at 360,000 for 200kgs Beans at 500,000/- for 100kgs Peas at 400,000/- for 100kgs 10 boxes of soap 660,000/- 200,000 receipt has 150,000/- was given to the mum to buy for Wilson whatever he needs and 50,000 accounts for other assorted items for Wilson that did have a receipt. Attached are some of the photos, l shall add more. Wilson's family was so happy. He even told me that when you visit next time, l will get a thank you letter to send to you. He told me, he is a seventh born in the family of 9 children. His father passed on 3 years ago. I didn't ask what killed him. He was in senior two Ongino secondary where he fall down and sustained injury on his spine last year. Hence he is not walking again. He feels so loved with all the support you have given him. He can awake up in the morning knowing l have people from a distance who care and love me. Elspeth thanks for the love and concern. Am taking good care of the children. Today l leave for my village. Am going to up root some cassava for flour then l shall be back after 4 Days. But l shall be on line."

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