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Today, the two engineers from EFOD leave the Guest House as they have completed their mission to construct the foundations of the new eco-latrines in the hospital compound. We shall miss them and their Spanish enthusiasm in everything.

Life goes on though and today was a day of consolidation. Finances and forward planning were the order of the day, not one to relish but definitely necessary. I cannot enter the hospital gates without someone approaching me for assistance and I think my mood has a lot to do with my compliance. A few were fortunate. A man I had met in Kumi Town was concerned about his broken leg prosthesis which needed repair. He followed me like my shadow but I kept asking him to wait five minutes while I did what I was doing until, a last, we went to the workshop where Benjamin, the new manager, removed the foot and re-attached it with new screws. He would also do his best to improve the socket but the proper material was not in stock so he would improvise. £4 was all it took to enable this man to walk freely again and, to make the day a little easier for him, a few more pennies enabled him to take a boda boda home rather than walk the 9km to town. A mother brought her baby with two club feet who had had the plaster of Paris removed and now needed abduction boots but she had not expected to receive a bill for £5 and could not leave until this was settled. Denis’ door to the X-ray unit was open and the green light was on so I was able to enter and catch up with his latest news. The machines were working well but, as ever, he was concerned about the lack of routine maintenance. Once again, I repeat our saying that a stitch in time saves nine.

I met with Sam, the dentist, and, together with the Hospital Administrator, we planned the impending Dentaid visit in June. Sam needed introducing to the prison staff so we would go in the afternoon.

Harriet, Rose and I sat down to sort out our reports which took the rest of the morning. I could return to the Guest House but, by now, the sun was intense so I hired a boda boda for the short ride. It’s too easy to jump on the back of the bike and ride side saddle and worth 25p any day. Laziness, fatigue, the heat, I know not except it was welcome. I could now rest with my feet up until Peter came to take Sam and me to the prison. First, we went to the Post Office to buy stamps and post cards to send to my grandchildren. Postcards are a relatively new addition to the PO but the photos are the same as in November. The youngsters won’t remember! Then on to Mary, the tailor, as my skirt should be ready but, no, power was off so no skirt until power returns. I wasn’t sure why a treadle machine needed power and I think Mary noticed my doubt she explained that the overstitching was done on an electric machine. We needed more soap and salt for next week so we stocked up while we were passing. On to the prison where we made detailed arrangements for Dentaid’s visit in June. The women prisoners will also be included so we entered the women’s section where we found 10 prisoners compared to 120 men.

Surely we deserved an end-of-week treat? We decided on a drink at North East Villa where I hoped to meet James, the manager, but he was in Kampala. Then back home for the evening, a warm shower (annoying when a cold one would have been more refreshing) and bed.

Only three photos today. The Wheels for the World team left the hospital wards a chair each and I am pleased that they are still looking good. The child needing abduction boots and little Alan.


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