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  1. KUMI COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FEBRUARY 2020 DIARYSaturday 15 February 2020Chicken for breakfast today and I hear you say “but you are a vegetarian!” Quite right, but the mother hen strutted through the front door with its chick while the cockerel had the manners to wait outside until invited in. A short diary today as I had nothing planned except my spreadsheets so, after hair washing, I settled myself down to enter my receipts. Then Elija aged about 3 years came to play with a plastic fire engine he knew was lurking on my table supposedly hidden from view. Beep beep it went for a while until he brought his 12 year old cousin’s quite complicated construction set I had brought a couple of years ago. He started on the floor but worked himself onto the edge of my table and before long he had taken it over and I had to move into another room! He was going through the pages of the instruction manual and following the details which were way above his age. The other children are at school on Saturday mornings so he was alone. I love these children so much, the way they spend so long on one topic either amusing themselves when alone or having boisterous fun when together outside. So the expenses were completed but whether the entries will balance is another matter. Surely, I deserved a chance to read my book at last. At 5pm as arranged, Sam turned up on his motorbike and we exchanged our families’ news. His wife, Mary, had made me some samosas which were welcome as I had not eaten lunch. He is a persistent man and insisted I visited his school, his family, his daughter, Patricia, and, finally, I agreed to see Patricia straightaway so that it was done. Sitting side-saddle on his motorbike, we set off to the school and, for my part, I regretted the decision as I did not feel safe. Mote, mote, I cried as he seemed to make for the potholes and I doubted the tyre pressures to be adequate but we made it and, yes, it was good to see Patricia in her new school. I shared my samosas with her and still had some remaining. Over a thousand pupils were on their way for supper and, although they get two meals of posho and beans a day, the menu never varies for every day, every week, the whole term. No greens, where are the vitamins and proteins? I didn’t know that Sam had asked John to take me back and it was with relief that I could relax as I have full confidence in John’s motorbike riding. We talked about a boy in Adesso School who needed crutches and I asked John to bring him for me to assess. Very soon, Opwanga Herbert aged 11 years arrived on the back of John’s bike and I could soon see he was a spina bifida and I could detect his incontinence. He needed two elbow crutches and I am hoping that the WFTW have left a small pair. No photo as I was concentrating on his needs but I shall try my best and also buy him soap as he needs to improve his hygiene. He is a bright boy and could go far in life with support. Now, dusk was on its way and I could take stock of the day which had been a mixture of work and play. I would leave my client data base till tomorrow. Final photo of a mango tree in full blossom. Will I ever see mangoes ripe enough to pick for myself?

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