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Last Day of One Million Steps for Kumi.


Today is the last day of One Million Steps for Kumi. We may have been a little quiet during the last week but we have continued to walk ever day in our own towns and villages across North Yorkshire, County Durham and California.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us. We really appreciate it at this challenging time.

There will be further updates later today , a final step count and photos to follow. X

Here is a quick guide to how you can find out everything you need to know about Kumi Community Foundation including how to donate.

1 . To get more information about the Kumi Community Foundation

go to the website

Here you will be able to visit the blog page for regular updates by Elspeth and the team .

2. To donate click on this link…

You can donate using a card or by Pay Pal

If you are a UK tax payer please tick the gift aid box to ensure the charity receives a further 25% on top of your donation with no extra cost to you. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to do this.

Or you can email the charity secretary on for instructions on safe and secure donations.


4. Facebook

5. This month’s fundraising event is. One Million Steps for Kumi

This month’s fundraiser.

Please send us any feedback or comments and message us if you make a donation ( private message if you prefer)so that we can respond.

Thank you for following us, supporting us and taking an interest in the charity and what we do.

No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.

Kumi Community Foundation

#Helping Others to Help Themselves

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