WEEK 2 continued
Halfway through the month and Team Kumi continues with walking as did Felix, the cat! Come rain or shine, floods or cracked earth, we venture forth prepared for all seasons as, each day, we can start a walk in the cold and with torrential rain beating down on us and finish with sweated brow. I have encountered on my walks a drowned rat, crossed the A1 to London, walked with Lynne Williams and other friends, photoed resin trickling down the trunk of a tree, ventured into pastures new only to lose my way a couple of times, hence the number of steps on some days,
The walk continues and thank you for your kind donations which have enabled us to supply Kumi Hospital with a further supply of infrared thermometers, masks, and medical supplies.
I quote from a letter I wrote recently:
"I have also been thinking of the comparison between our NHS facilities and those in Kumi. The few victims of the virus have been transferred to Soroti Government hospital as Kumi Hospital, a Church of Uganda Not-for-Profit hospital, has no facilities for such cases. Here it is little better and I recall last year being asked if I would accept an extremely malnourished child. I entered the small ward with nine cots containing babies and toddlers and all on oxygen. A central oxygen tank was situated in the centre of the ward and this was attached to nine nasal tubes, one for each child. If oxygen was being delivered at all to these mites was debatable with no gauge and nothing to confirm that it reached any of the little ones. I was reminded of a Maypole as I ducked and stepped over the tubes. We must be thankful for our NHS."
There is always good news! The attendant who was caring for a patient has received her artificial limb which has been made in the Orthopaedic Workshop. Thank you, Benjamin, for your good work!
Last photo but not least is of Fr Gordon saying Sunday Mass streamed from my Parish Church. Each Sunday, Chris and I have sat with a cup of coffee in our study! Thank you, Fr Gordon and modern technology!
